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The Ultimate Full-Body Skin Care Plan

This guide will give you the tools to take care of your most-neglected spots -- from the backs of your arms to your cracked heels
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If you have dark spots, your hands might be giving away your age -- even more so than your neck and chest. To treat hyperpigmentation, New York dermatologist Marina Peredo, MD, says to look for products with alpha hydroxy acid. To prevent new spots from appearing or to keep the ones you already have from getting worse, wear sunscreen on your hands every day. Look for a hand cream that contains SPF 30 or higher.

If topical treatments aren't doing the trick, Peredo recommends the in-office treatment IPL (Intense Pulsed Light), which she says can lighten existing dark spots and keep new spots from surfacing.

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Dry -- even calloused -- elbows are easy to forget. It's not like they were ever a pretty body part to begin with, right? However, elbows, like heels, are prone to cracking, so it's important to keep them well moisturized. Start by exfoliating in the shower with a loofah, says Baumann. Then, after you pat dry with a towel, massage in a few drops of oil like vitamin E, almond, or olive oil (Baumann's favorite), and seal it in with a layer of rich body lotion.

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Back of the arms
If you're prone to red bumps on the backs of your arms -- not-so-affectionately called "chicken skin" and medically referred to as keratosis pilaris -- there is something you can do about it. Opt for a body lotion that contains lactic acid, which chemically exfoliates the skin, suggests dermatologist Zein Obagi MD. To keep the problem at bay, you'll have to use the lotion daily, but the results will be worth the effort.

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The good news is that you're already exfoliating your legs regularly by shaving. However, depending on what you're shaving with, you may also be drying out your skin. Dermatologists say you can skip washing your lower extremities -- the warm water and soapy run off (from sudsing the rest of your body) is enough to clean your legs. Then, when you get out of the shower, pat your legs dry and apply a body lotion or cream almost immediately -- it will help lock in moisture. Focus on your knees if they're a trouble spot.

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Backs of the legs
There are two unfortunate things that make this spot "special": dry, bumpy skin (similar to keratosis pilaris on the backs of the arms) and cellulite. If the area is extremely dry, choose a rich body cream that contains shea butter, which is an incredible natural moisturizer. If it's dry and bumpy, use a cream with lactic acid to speed up exfoliation.

If cellulite is your main concern, look for products that contain caffeine -- it will give you an immediate tightening, says Baumann. Even though body products can't get rid of cellulite completely, your skin will appear smoother.

JUL 24, 2013 | SHARES
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