Of all the advice out there, Wilson says this one is the most dangerous to take to heart. She says one of the most frequent misunderstandings about skin health is that the oil our pores produce is considered moisturizer. Thus, if you're someone who has an overly oily skin type, you don't need to use a go-to formula each morning. The opposite is actually true. "Most people with oily skin actually have dehydrated skin, which is why your oil glands are working overtime," Wilson says. "If you have oily skin, do yourself a favor and get an amazing oil-free moisturizer and add it into your daily routine ASAP." This will help protect you against aging, as well as keep your pores healthy and vibrant.
Image via Imaxtree
Image via Imaxtree
Like that milk in the back of your fridge or a yogurt that's two weeks past its prime, when a makeup product has expired, throw it out. Even though you might want to extend the life of your favorite mascara by adding oil or water, Ferdous says it's not a smart or healthy solution. If you add oil — you guessed it! — it'll be oily, creating more smears and zero wear time. And if you add water, she says you risk a super-runny formula that will make you look like you've been crying for hours. "It's not hygienic anyway, so throw it out and go grab a new one."
Image via Getty
Image via Getty