An okay product. I have one in the metal/plastic container, which is nice and sturdy, but lets you see what's inside. I bought it on clearance, and definitely wouldn't buy it full price. It's my backup/travel brow powder, because I wouldn't be upset if I lost it. I have the darkest brown shade....
by LipglossandSpandex | 521 reviews
I've used this product for years now! I use the lighter color to fill in the sparse areas of my eyebrows (great for anytime that you over-tweeze) and the darker shade to define. The color is also very customizable! My hair is naturally a very dark brown, but I'm a redhead at the moment. I buy...
i have the sparsest eyebrows ever. they are practically non-existent. stila's brow set has been my #1 go-to product for years. even on days when i'm just running a quick errand or going for a jog, i absolutely must put this on. it looks totally natural and it lasts forever since you only need to...