This does a good job of removing the hair, as long as it's realllllyyyy long first. The wax is also really sticky and gums up on your skin. After spending two hours on my legs they looked good, but in my opinion it's just too messy and operation.
by lips56 | 1 reviews
i love this wax, the residue is a little hard to rub off-use oil and cotton. however, this really gets the hair out. dont ever use it twice on one patch, i ripped my skin one time and it was raw for days. other than that its a great product. its messy so dont get it on your clothes and such, its...
i tried this for the first time today and it is AWFUL! it's so sticky and messy, it cools down very quickly and you have to keep running back and forth to the microwave, it hurts, leavese tons of wax on yoru skin and it doesn't get very much hair at all!! it got some of my hair, but not enough to...
by elen88 | 6 reviews
This stuff most certainly isn't wax and I'm not sure WHAT it is. It has the consistency - when "dry" of hot melted bubble gum on the sidewalk near the beach. Only it's not on the beach it's in your home. Correction: it's ALL over your home. After several attempts, I've found it works...
by pinky76 | 1 reviews
What a great product for the price!! I have dark course hair and this did a pretty good job! It didn't get every last bit off-but it got most(which for my type of hair is GREAT!)
by Deena551 | 42 reviews
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