I am now up to having three of these. I keep one on my desk, one in my purse and another in the bathroom. They pluck the hair no matter how fine. They also come in many colors (I just love pink) and they come with free sharpening for life, not even Rubis offers that at almost twice the price. How...
by Alana_Danes | 58 reviews
I love these tweezers for so many reasons. They are affordable. They plug your eyebrows so easily. They are so sharp and accurate and even get the smallest hairs. Its crazy cause they are so cheap. I have like a billion of these tweezers everywhere. I would tell you if you dont have these...
I use tweezers a lot because my hair growth is abundant and quick. I've always bought the 97 cent tweezers from department stores, but I finally decided to invest in a Tweezerman tweezer. I must say that it was definitely worth the money because it gets the hairs out well from the root. You can...
by Yosary23 | 12 reviews
I could never use any other tweezers after trying these. if you are thinking tweezerman are expensive, there is a reason why. They just make tweezing so easy.
by LadyLou | 22 reviews
This has come to be my favorite and go to tweezer over the past two years. I've used many different brands over the years, whether it be name brand or drugstore but they always turn dull within months of use. I've been using the same Tweezerman tweezer for over two years and it is still sharp and...
by agirlandabun | 1 reviews
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