Pros: INCREDIBLE SCENT (even my husband loves it when I use this!). Not a lot of useless lather. Softens my coarse, curly hair. Is even a great facial cleanser and body wash.
Cons: VERY EXPENSIVE. I have to use a lot of the product to get through my thick hair, so a bottle doesn't last as...
by vdodili | 11 reviews
It smells like nuts. My hair may have seemed a little stronger after using this. I would not necessarily say it looks any younger. I don't think I would spend the extra money again but it was decent shampoo.
This shampoo/conditioner is worth every penny. My haid is healthy and shiney now and there are no knots afterwards. Love this!!
by d5cats | 1 reviews
I love their whole hair is thin and none of their products weigh it down. I always have great hair when using the tawaka shampoo and conditioner. It is a little pricey but worth every dollar. BTW- a little goes a long way.
by Allie1 | 1 reviews
Usually, shampoos don't do it for me. I've always seen them as precursers to conditioners, which are the REAL deal-breakers. This shampoo is the only shampoo that has actually warranted a response. I LOVE THIS SHAMPOO! I have coarse-ish, straight-ish hair that breaks easily. It's also very...
by Re_Gal | 6 reviews
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