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Image Skincare Vital C Hydrating Enzyme Mask

Image Skincare Vital C Hydrating Enzyme Mask

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  • 10

    Gold Star

    Image gets a gold star from me for the entire Vital C line. I use this mask once a week in between peels.
    Charliespider | 5 reviews

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  • 10

    Youthful look and softer skin!

    My esthetician recommended this before having a CO2 resurfacing treatment. I am sold (!) and will continue to use it. My skin was ridiculously soft, clarity returned and I loved touching my skin. I don't have sensitive skin but did feel like it might be an aggressive exfoliation to consider if you do. Overall, its a great treatment I continue to use and recommend.
    KatyB | 71 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  16 of 18 people said helpful

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