Let's face it, tipping can be an awkward thing. It's hard to be all slick about it because, by definition, it's fraught with clumsiness. You know, the hand off (which never goes as smoothly as you'd like), the timing and, then, of course, the…
Until recently I was lucky to have been genetically blessed with pretty great cheekbones. (Thanks mom and dad.) But, turns out that yet another fun thing about getting along in years is that, with every passing month, they seem to appear less and…
Raise your hand if you're secretly a little relieved that summer's almost over just so you can stop shaving your legs! I would cop to that sentiment instantly because that's precisely the way I used to feel when fall was around the corner. Then, I…
Hair pro Katie Seguin, stylist at the Marie Robinson salon in New York City, answers your pressing haircut and hair care questions ... Admit it. You don't speak up when you're in your stylist's chair. You go in for a cut, quickly explain what you…
The good news for those of us who loathe to wear bright shades of lipstick is that this fall we actually have a choice! According to the people who know this kind of thing, this season is all about being either understated or glam so, you can wear…
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