The Fashion Spot Momtastic

9 Nail Trends I'm Trying This Summer

Posted 06/21/12 at 11:56AM by Virginia Pelley

Attention, creative types, and beauty daredevils: This season is all about you and your nails. Can't decide which Technicolor bright you want? Pick a different color for every finger. Want tiny zebra-striped monkeys on each tip? Go for it. The sky's the limit when it comes to nail art.

Take it from me, someone whose nails are typically Chanel Vamp-ed out, you can embrace matte sky blue, glittery green, and bright opaque lavender polishes -- even if you're old enough to buy beer. Women of all ages are going for a little nail whimsy -- plus, if you're skittish about letting any of that neon makeup get anywhere near your face, a bright manicure is a much less traumatic way to stay on trend.

For other ways to be comfortably trendy this season, I spoke to several top manicurists who shared the following new nail styles -- plus tips on how to pull them off and make them last.

See the summer's must-have nail styles now.
And the survey says...
1-4 of 4 Comments
  • Posted by GigiSD on 05/03/13 at 12:20pm

    Summer is the perfect time to have fun with nail colors and trends!

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  • Posted by asiagirl4ever on 07/19/12 at 10:28am

    I have fun with the colors and designs I choose ... on my toes. Nail polish just doesn't last on my fingers.

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  • Posted by asiagirl4ever on 07/19/12 at 10:28am

    I have fun with the colors and designs I choose ... on my toes. Nail polish just doesn't last on my fingers.

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  • Posted by Nicole2814 on 07/16/12 at 09:22pm


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