Yay! I Finally Learned How to Do a Waterfall Braid!

Posted 06/20/12 at 07:06AM by Audrey Fine

This fact is old hat to regular readers of this column but, in the interest of making any new kids on the block feel right at home, I thought I'd self-flagellate a bit.
Yes, it's true that when god was doling out thumbs, I got five. But just because I'm not the most adroit gal at the beauty counter doesn't mean I don't like to try my hand at certain "getting pretty" skills.
Take the cat eye. I used to suck at that. And now, after, what -- 17 years of practice? -- I'm downright average at drawing one on.
Then there're false eyelashes which, again, while not easy to master, I've learned to apply with very few resulting injuries.
That's why when this waterfall braid craze shifted into hyper-speed, I was determined with a capital D to coerce my mind's eye and fingers to work together in harmony so that I might be able to wear something that even kind of resembled one. (The fact that my daughter really wanted me to be able to do her hair may have factored into my passion a little bit, too.)
In order to mitigate my klutziness, I called in the big guns. I went straight to My Beauty Life's resident hair pro, Michael Dueñas, to walk me through creating this beautiful (and surprisingly uncomplicated) look myself. Here are the steps that even I can do!
Step 1: Start a French braid on one side of your head near your temple. (Don't know how to French braid? Watch this.) Start braiding like you normally would until you're about three inches away from your temple.
Step 2: Grab a section of hair from above your braid and bring that section into the middle of the braid.
Step 3: Pick up a piece from the bottom section of the braid, but before you pull it across to the middle, drop half of the new bottom section (that originally came from the top of your hair) out of your hands.
Step 4: Pick up a new section of hair from underneath your braid so you have three sections again.
Step 5: Repeat steps 2 through 4 until you've reached the other side of your head (try to angle the braid as you go so it ends up near your ear). Make sure you are holding each section of hair tightly as you braid.
And, there you have it! A beauteous, cascading waterfall braid for all your friends to drool over. From afar.

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I would love to try this. Will have to try YouTube for tutorials
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such a gorgeous braid!
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great..really look gorgeous i would love to learn this one ..
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looks beautiful
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Must try!!
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