
I love this season of pumpkin-spice lattes and cute puffy jackets just as much as the next gal. But when I catch a glance at my dry hands and scaly legs, I start to pine for warmer, balmier days. And so do you, based on the hundreds of you writing in about how to deal with dry winter skin. That's why I asked New York City-based dermatologist Kavita Mariwalla, MD, to answer some of your most…
![How Much of Each Product Are You Supposed to Use? [Video]](
Ever at a loss when it comes to figuring out how much eye cream to apply or how many pumps of conditioner your hair really needs? You're so not alone - many women apply way too much (or too little) of some of their most crucial beauty products. To help clear things up, in the vlog below I walk you through the correct application amounts of some of the most common products. …

The Product : CoverGirl & Olay Tone Rehab 2-in-1 Foundation The Price: $13.99 The Company Spiel: "A foundation focused solely on tone discoloration and age spots. Instantly covers discolorations, fine lines, and wrinkles, while helping to improve skin tone over time." The Real Deal: I'm one of those idiots who fried themselves in the sun for most of the late 80s and pretty much…

The Product: Neova Maximum Body Repair The Price: $42. The Company Spiel: "An innovative DNA + Copper combination formula restores and nourishes your skin. The preventative properties produce more age-resilient skin while helping repair current damage from UV exposure. Over time, your skin will become hydrated, toned, and firm with a more even skin tone." The Real Deal: When it…

I've written before about how my love for flip-flops renders my feet pretty gnarly. I'm not proud. But since I've discovered this awesome "get your feet as soft as a baby's tooshie" method, I've felt compelled to share it with you. (I'm sure that's not the clinical name of the procedure, but you get the drift.) If your heels are dry, yellowed, and cracked to the point where they snag your…

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