![How I Clean My Makeup Brushes (The Right Way) [VIDEO]](
When you're a makeup maven like I am, your brushes get dirty with alarming regularity. While washing them may seem like a drag (and an expensive one at that), it's really important to help keep your skin smooth and blemish free. In the video below I offer up valuable tips on the best (money-saving) ways to wash your brushes and give pointers on what to do -- and what to avoid doing. …
![My Favorite Timesaving Beauty Shortcuts [Slideshow]](
Running late? So was I ... almost every single day. No matter what I did, I couldn't seem to get out the door on time. Happily, that was the "old me." The "new me" set a get-ready-quickly plan in motion that's really worked to streamline my routine and get me where I need to be in a timely manner. The kudos should be heaped upon some great multitasking products and effective strategies from…

The Product: Wei East Chestnut & Black Soy Extra Firming Cream The Price: $56 The Company Spiel: "Extracts of Chinese chestnut, combined with fermented Black Soy peptides and other potent antioxidants help lift, firm and restore resiliency for a more youthful look." The Real Deal: Because I've started to feel so bad about my neck (with a nod to you, Nora Ephron), I've been…

Even though my high school years were fraught with other issues, I was a lucky teenager when it came to my skin and I only had to deal with the occasional pimple. Figures that now that I'm in my 30s, acne has become an issue. Turns out I'm not alone though. I took a little poll and my friends have the same complaints. Surprising? Not really. A study by the American Academy of Dermatology…

From the annals of our "most frequently asked questions" comes this gem from Luann in Connecticut. (and umpteen other Total Beauty readers). Luann wants to know whether it's really and truly beneficial to put toothpaste on zits. I mean, we've all heard tell of this purported remedy. Heck, many of us have even dabbed on the Crest before bed with hopes of waking up to a porcelain complexion.…

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