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Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Cream - Night

16 Best Night Creams

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  • 10

    Beautiful Skin!

    I heard that retinol is good for your skin and I decided to give it a try. I have been using it for a few months and my skin looks and feels younger.
    fandrade | 19 reviews

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  • 13 Best Anti-Aging Skin Care Products

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 10

    It just works!

    This has smoothed bumpiness and softened some fine lines after only a couple of weeks of use. I am working my way up to using it every night on my sensitive skin. I could not use even the weakest version of prescription retinol (it felt like an intense sunburn), but am happy to say that my skin is tolerating this well. I am just careful to wait to apply it at least 20 minutes after cleansing, which helps...just so happy I can finally use retinol, and the low price is great!
    nicatnite99 | 14 reviews

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