The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Avon ANEW BEAUTY Age-Transforming Concealer SPF 15

15 Best Concealers

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  • 1

    absolute rubbish!!!

    after looking through the Avon catalogue, i thought i'd give Avon Anew Beauty Age - Transforming Concealer a try, due to the darkness under my eyes. ive used other concealers before and thought because it has an 'age transforming' ingredient in it, that was a bonus, it will keep my face looking young. Not only was it rubbish to apply, but after only wearing it twice, i now have red, swollen, eyes morewith dry wrinkly skin. i am 28 years old, but actually look younger usually, now after using this product i look about 20 years older than i am. i do not recommend this product to anyone!!!
    zebedy | 1 reviews

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  • 9 Worst Concealers

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 10

    Covers imperfections flawlessly

    I love this concealer a quick tap here and there and my skin looks flawless works great with anew liquid foundation
    1PrettyMama | 12 reviews

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