The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Dr. Hauschka After-Sun Lotion

Dr. Hauschka After-Sun Lotion

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  • 10

    Excellent after-sun soother

    If you're fair like me, you need a little extra after-sun care, even if you wear sunblock. Smooth this after-sun lotion on clean, slightly damp skin for best moisturizing results. It feels cool and refreshing, and prevents skin from getting that tight, dried-out feeling it often has after sun exposure. One of the best products on the market.
    Robincat | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    The Best!

    I have been using this product for three years, and I swear by it! Not only is it Organic, Safe for sensitive skin, and soothing....the smell is wonderful and it works. It will help ease the irration from over exposure to the sun and more. I usually put the product on after coming in from the sun and jumping out of the shower. If I am really red I continue applying, but honestly give it 24 hours and you will notice the difference vs. regular aloe. It is expensive, but worth every penny.
    Lizefox | 1 reviews

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  • 13 Best Drugstore Body Lotions

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  • 10

    Soothing for sun exposure

    I took this lotion with me on vacation to Florida. It provided very soothing care to my skin after exposure to the sun. I highly recommend it.
    DonnaCh | 12 reviews

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