The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Rodial Brazillian Tan

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    Well, let me tell you, I thought this was gonna be the best self tanner ever. I mean its 60 bucks for 5 oz, it has to be, right? Not. I've gotten better, less steaky results spending half of what I paid for this...stuff. As if the streaks weren't enough, its not even a good color. I bought the light (I've got medium skin with olive undertones), and this still turned me orange. The only good point:it smells pretty good. Over all, I'd say don't waste your dough.
    keithsmoon | 8 reviews

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  • 8

    Works well on light skin

    I have been using Rodial Brazillian Tan Light this Summer and I have to say that the color is very natural looking on my fair skin. You have to apply it while wearing gloves, and be careful to let it fully dry before getting dreesed. I really like the results I have gotten.
    foontou | 22 reviews

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  • 5

    not too sure about this

    the product has a strange sort of caramel color and it says to apply lightly. It looks like it woube be very darkI've applied the past 4 days. Honestly I can't say that I notice any difference. Not sure that I'd purchase it again. On the plus side, it is not orangey
    jegrover | 4 reviews

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