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Lumene Arctic Touch Deep Cleansing Peat Mask

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  • 10


    When you see what this looks like, it looks like mud. Very unappetizing. For anyone who's been at spas and have gotten facials, this would not be so shocking. Facial masks can come in very different colors. The important part is what happens after you take it off. I have used this a few times and what I've noticed is that if you leave it on for more than 5-10 minutes (this is an estimate), after moreou rinse it off. Your face will feel so refreshed, clean, bright and your skin feels very cool. Definitely a keeper. So far everything that I've bought from the Lumene line has been great!
    jacki_oquias_o | 10 reviews

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  • 8


    I give it an 8 because I've had better masks. The color is dark, kinda like mud. It's more liquidy than mud and you should really pile the stuff on. It's kinda tingly at first but pleasant. Seems to work on blackheads though once a week isn't enough. Skin feels refreshed but it does nothing for moisture levels.
    marlboro1220 | 105 reviews

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  • 8

    Pretty good stuff

    I picked this mask up at my local cvs when they put it on sale. I'm usually not impressed by drugstore facial masks but this is actually quite nice. Heavy rosemary scent, but I like earthy smells so it didn't bother me. It tingles a little bit, but only when washing your face before using it. I put it on and let it dry for 15 minutes. When I took it off my pores appeared to be slightly smaller, more skin was noticeably tighter, and it didn't leave my skin feeling sticky. I have combination skin with ocassional breakouts and I didn't get any flair ups after using it a few times. it's also helped keep my blackheads away inbetween facials. Good product for the price, and easy to get at your local drug store.
    Chloe44420 | 52 reviews

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