The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Lumene Blue Dream Lips Lip Care

9 Lip Glosses We're Obsessed With

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  • 7

    Great for winter weather

    This lip treatment is ultra moisturizing and a little goes a long way. I squeeze a little onto my finger and smooth onto my lips. It smells so good and is a great treatment at any time of day, as well as being a great under lipstick moisturizer. I have very dry skin and my lips chap easily. If your lips aren't that dry, you may find this too creamy. Found these on clearance at CVS, about $1.50 per tube. I keep one in each bathroom and one in my car!
    yogamom09 | 2 reviews

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  • 6

    Nice, not intense enough

    The product moisturizes pretty well, but I wouldn't use it if you're looking for more intensive lip care for dry, cracked lips. It works well as a daily moisture maintenance kind of product, though. It's a little oily for my tastes, but once it absorbs a bit, it isn't a huge issue. :) The SPF is a nice addition.
    jennbee | 80 reviews

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  • 10 Best Lip and Cheek Stains

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  • 7


    Works good, but goes on a little thick and waxy
    Merbydoo | 27 reviews

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