The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Lumene Vitamin C+ Pure Radiance Night Cream

Lumene Vitamin C+ Pure Radiance Night Cream

16 Best Night Creams

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  • 8

    Review subject

    I just tried this for the first time and I really like it! 3 hours after applying the creamy, rich, decadent little cream, I still feel my skin as remaining moist. This is a great quality in a night cream because it will continue to provide moisture throughout the entire night while our skin repairs in it's sleep. Also, the arctic berry that is used in the formula has a very peasant, moree scent without being overpowering. This is a very nice night cream and I would recommend this for anyone, maybe with the exception of those that have naturally oily complexions.
    EveryLittleThing | 45 reviews

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  • 10

    Great for dry skin

    I really like this cream, it makes my skin feel soft and really radiant. I like to use it after using a scrub, because my face usually gets quite dry then. I am not sure if it would be a good cream for oily skin, because it takes some time (about 30 minutes) to completely sink into the skin. But I find that is ok, because the point is to moisturize your skin during the night so the consistency more't be as light as day creams. I also like that a little goes a long way and I feel that I have had my jar for ages and I still can't see the bottom of it.
    attol | 19 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  11 of 12 people said helpful

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