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  • 9

    Great for pale skin

    I have very light skin and I love this bronzer. It is light enough so that I don't look like I put on bronzer, but dark enough that it gives me a great glow. It has a tiny bit of iridescence to it, so it really gives you that just out of the sun look. I'm not sure how it would look on darker skin, but I definitely recommend it on lighter skin - when it is hard to find a bronzer that looks natural.
    christinesn | 10 reviews

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  • 9

    Healthy Glow!

    gives a beautiful healthy glow without too much sparkles. you only need just a little sweep on the nose forhead chin and cheeks and thats all ! too much though can get oily so be careful
    annieboo33 | 58 reviews

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  • 8

    Subtle but good

    this is great for fair/medium colored skin. Its a good blend.
    AHRoss | 41 reviews

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