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LORAC Oil-Free Wet/Dry Powder Makeup

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  • 6

    Good setting powder, but...

    it's not a good foundation. I love WD2point5 in the Summer for setting under my eyes and WD2 for the same thing in the Winter. It doesn't cake up and it provides a slight bit of additional coverage. I tried using this powder as a foundation and it was awful. It provided very little coverage and accentuated all my dry patches. I'm not to bothered by it because I got it on Hautelook for about 80% off the regular price, but had I paid full price I'd have taken it back to the store.
    tracy_macauley | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    All time favorite!

    I have always wanted the perfect powder-one that looks like skin, adds some coverage, doesn't cake, and lasts all day-and I found it in Lorac's wet/dry pressed powder foundation. I bought it in fair, the second from lightest, and it looks perfect with my skin. I wear it over Lorac's tinted moisturizer and the two in one concealer under my eyes and over redness. At 43 years old, I finally found the perfect combination! I highly recommend!!!
    Nursetre | 21 reviews

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  • 10

    Great product!

    I wear shade WD4 and it matches my honey-colored skin tone perfectly. I'm an African-American, who is not quite fair enough to be considered light-skinned, but not quite hued enough to be considered brown-skinned, which creates a terrible dilemma for me when trying to find the right shade of makeup. After discovering this powder, I always receive compliments on having great-looking skin - and moreat's without bronzer! The product is gentle to my acne-prone skin and does not cause me to breakout or any irritation. After an eight-hour workday, my skin has a smooth sheen and natural glow. An added benefit is that it doesn't turn red or orange-looking on my skin as the day wears on and I don't need a retouching powder. The only downside of this product is its price. $36 is a bit much, but I'll gladly unclench my fistful of cash and pay the clerk for this compact any day because of its great results.
    IceCreamDream | 2 reviews

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