The Fashion Spot Momtastic

La Prairie Light Fantastic Brightening Eye Treatment

15 Best Concealers

Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 10

    Best concealer

    This concealer is great for under the eyes. It blends well and never creases. It is worth the money, because you get a refill and it lasts a long time.
    Tabitha762 | 5 reviews

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  • 9 Worst Concealers

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 10

    Wonderfully, fantastic product!

    Love, love, love it! Easy to use in a brush pen format. It's a little pricey, but you do get a refill so it's not so bad at all. Besides, what would you pay for well-rested looking, bright eyes? Coverage is great and even...very luminous and does not cake at all.
    kristenp76 | 22 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  2 of 2 people said helpful

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