The Fashion Spot Momtastic

DDF Glycolic Toning Complex

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  • 7

    Exfoliating toner

    I've used this toner in the past, but be warned -- take care when using on sensitive skin. I liked to use the toner, but could only tolerate it a few times a week, gradually working up to once a day. I noticed that my skin did look more radiant, but it took a few weeks to notice it. Also I noticed a strange smell from the product; almost skunk like, which is why I knocked off a few stars.
    amalitta | 16 reviews

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    Not sure

    I have been using this toner twice a day for a couple months now and I am not sure what it is doing for me. I haven't really noticed any difference. I will update in the future if I notice some differences
    amiawake | 28 reviews

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