The Fashion Spot Momtastic

DDF Pumice Acne Scrub

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  • 10

    I think I'm in love.

    I have oily/sensitive/acne-prone skin. I know, sucks for me. As of late, I've been putting my skin through hell with all of the glycolic acid and hydroquinone I've been using (I have a ton of acne scars). With aggressive acne (scar) treatments come SUPER dry peeling skin. This scrub is my savior. To be honest, it hurt the first couple times I used it (and I'm not one to scrub with a heavy morend). That's how effective it is. This is the only facial scrub that lifts up all of the dead skin on my face in one use. I should state that I only use this product twice a week. You have to use a good moisturizer (I use Cetaphil lotion) afterward, as the 2% BP will dry your skin.
    AminaO | 3 reviews

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