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Use Only if You Want Velvety, Improved Skin
As Joan Rivers asks, "Can we talk?" Aren't you just a bit stunned and perplexed at the endless creams promising to take years off your face? I mean, come on--a cream is a cream is a cream, right? Not right, especially when a product is radically different and highly effective, such as Oil of Olay's "Regenerist Advanced Anti-Aging Regenerating Serum" (fragrance-free). Wow, has Olay come a very morelong way from when it was a simple, humble pink moisturizer in a subdued black-and-white box with its amazing line of products. Yes, this is one of the items you continually hear proclaiming to outdo any high-end competition to turn back the clock and erase lines, so much so that it alleges that your skin is regenerated without the need for chemical peels, cosmetic surgery, or lasers. Could it be that good? How could I resist? I clipped a coupon from the Sunday paper and shopped. I followed directions and applied the lightweight serum as directed (once or twice daily, alone or under moisturizer and/or foundation). This cream deeply seeps into skin in a completely non-oily way, and the scent is quite delicate. I was anxious to see what would happen, as Olay promises immediate improvement and benefits which increase with time. I didn't morph into Cinderella, but the soft feeling was welcome, along with a slight increase in radiance. After using it religiously for a week, the results were obvious. Smile lines around my mouth were diminished, and those across my neck (which I have been trying to hide since childhood) were less visible. My skin was silky and hydrated. Seven days later, "silky" was now pure, luxurious velvet. Creases had virtually disappeared and my skin was visibly more refined and clarified. All this for about $21.00? Yep! The luscious formula includes an amino-peptide complex, some sun protection (SPF 15), B Vitamins, Vitamin C, and green tea leaf extract. As they say, "it's a keeper!"This review is: Helpful | Not helpful | Inappropriate | 168 of 184 people said helpful
Olay Regenerist Serum
I have given up on Olay products completely. They do absolutely NOTHING for me. Maybe they are helpful to others, but I have tried too many products like the night cream, wrinkle filler, and these products are worthless. The cream sits on my face and never absorbs. Be very wary.This review is: Helpful | Not helpful | Inappropriate | 32 of 51 people said helpful
Good serum
I like using this serum at night after washing my face, before moisturizing. I feel like it gives my super dry skin that bit of extra moisture it needs that it doesn't always get alone from moisturizer,This review is: Helpful | Not helpful | Inappropriate | 30 of 44 people said helpful