The Fashion Spot Momtastic
California Baby Calming Hair De-Tangler Spray

California Baby Calming Hair De-Tangler Spray

10 Worst Conditioners

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  • 9


    This is such a great product. I use it for myself and it untangles my very long, easily tangled fine hair, while lightly conditioning it. It smells amazing and the aroma is very calming and invigorating. The spray pump is very effective and sprays the product evenly on my hair. I use this when my hair is wet, damp, and dry and it always works. I think it's too expensive, however, and I can't mored to buy it all the time. For a cheaper and just as effective detangler, I recommend the shikai color reflect mist & go conditioner. If you can afford this though, then I highly recommend it for yourself or your little ones.
    Laurenco77 | 35 reviews

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  • 10

    Natural De-Tangler

    My daughter has a head full of tight curls, and de-tangler is a must. I bought this product to try because of it's natural ingredients, and lack of harsh chemicals. I spray it on her hair after shampooing and conditioning, as I find it seems to work better when her hair is damp. I need to spray a lot of this de-tangler on to get it to work. I also don't care for the smell, kind of an herbal moret-like scent. However, I think it gets the job done, and I will continue to use this product since it is natural & safe.
    LC2008 | 26 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  2 of 3 people said helpful

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