The Fashion Spot Momtastic
California Baby SPF 30+ Sunblock Stick

California Baby SPF 30+ Sunblock Stick

18 Best and Worst Sunscreens

Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 10

    The best sunblock!

    Last summer we always want to stay on the beach, glad I found this sunblock on my sister's pouch. I haven't experience any sunburns thanks to this product.
    cloe0978 | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    Loved the convience for the face

    Works great to get sunscreen on your little ones face. Lasts a long time.
    hblack1981 | 15 reviews

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  • 9 Best Sunscreens for Your Face

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 10

    Chemical free!

    This is great sunblock and it has no stinging chemicals. Everyone should be extra careful about the others with chemicals because new research shows they could be hazardous.
    ang247 | 36 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  2 of 4 people said helpful

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