The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Decleor Aromessence Baume de Nuit

Decleor Aromessence Baume de Nuit

12 Best & Worst Acne Products

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  • 10

    I love all things Decleor...

    But, when I got this as a sample from Sephora, I was a little skeptical. So! After all, I have classic combination skin; easily clogged pores, occasional pimples, and annoying itchy flakes. But since their YlangYlang balancing oil had worked wonders on my redness, I decided to give it a go, couterintuitiveness be damned. I warmed a little in my palm and smoothed it on before more, and immediately noticed how quickly it sank into my the morning I was simply radiant! My dry patches were gone, my skin was calm and velvety smooth, and there was not a single blackhead in sight. Best of all? This product is so concentrated and effective that that tiny sample tube lasted almost two months!
    Rosefleur | 30 reviews

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  • 10

    Simply Divine!

    I absolutely love Decleor balms! You only need a tiny bit of this, warm it up on your palms then sweep across your face and voila! My face feels so smooth and perfectly hydrated when I use this. Don't be afraid to use this b/c it seems so thick and waxy, it's simply divine.
    mmeissler | 23 reviews

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  • Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 10

    Luxurious pampering in a jar

    This night balm looks a little starnge, with a tiny spatula inside the lid, but once I scooped a small amount onto the back of my hand the warmth of my skin instantly transformed the balm - it became the silkiest cream which smoothed over my face like a warm caress. It was absorbed instantly, with my skin feeling wonderful, but the best was yet to come - the wonderful aroma of the essential oils surrounded me all night and my skin felt so amazingly soft and smoth the next morning.
    Lynneplum | 1 reviews

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