The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Exuviance CoverBlend Multi-Function Concealer

15 Best Concealers

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  • 9

    Holy Holy Holy Grail

    I was introduced to this product by a salesperson at Ulta and it the best recommendation I have ever gotten. I have horribly dark circles under my eyes. On top of being hereditary I also have sleep disorders and seasonal allergies so my circles get so bad it looks like I have been I punched in the eye. This concealer can actually handle them! The texture is nicely creamy, and its the first ever more not migrate into my under eye creases. It's not QUITE as pigmented as Amazing concealer, but the CoverBlend can be built up without looking cakey and without flaking which was a problem with Amazing. Plus this is half the price. It has skincare ingredients as well and I swear with regular use it even seems to smooth out the milia under my eye. If they ever discontinue this I will be just lost. It's a shame more people don't know about this. It would be nice to see a larger shade range so I could get everyone I know on board. I lucked out that Sand happened to be perfect for me.
    sleepybird | 3 reviews

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  • 6

    Moisturizing, buildable

    This product has low coverage in my opinion. It does, however, build up to a full coverage. But we need to use much more product than with other concealers. The colors are dreadful. Only three, so you need to hit the jackpot to actually find your color with only one tube. But even worse, these are not colors appropriate for the undereye area. They are too neutral. All good concealers come with a moregood range of undertones to color-correct the underlying tones (peachy/yellow/pink toned). The better concealers also stay better in the undereyes. The pros of this product are the SPF and how moisturizing it is. So despite the SPF, I prefer it during winter when most concealers are too drying for me.
    Tsatzenskaya | 1 reviews

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  • 9 Worst Concealers

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 10

    Best Ever!

    Love, love, love! Doesn't get any better!!

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