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Clarins Double Serum Generation 6

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  • 1

    clarin generation6 double serum

    I used clarins generation 6 about 4weeks ago. I had an almost immediate reaction to the product and I am still suffering from a bad reaction. My skin broke out in blistering red rash under my eyes and all down my cheek bone and neck. I am very concerned as to whether this could be a long lasting problem. I have been advised to use witch hazel to dry the rash up however, it seems to continually erupt. I am seeking medical advice.
    JAKing | 1 reviews

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  • 9

    i love it

    i love this product,i got it 7 days ago and my face is glowing and it look great however, I broke out acne when using it,cause is oily,so u got to be carfull with the amount,or maybe use it at night only,cause is not compatible with make up i use my product for acne one's or twice a week,to control the acne,i love it..
    chiaias | 2 reviews

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  • 10

    Clarins Double Serum Generation 6

    This product is fabulous after a day in the hot sun. Very dry to normal skin will love it, if your skin is not sensitive or alergic to herbs. It is intended for women 50+, but is great for younger than that if your complection is dry, has smile lines, crows feet, or forehead wrinkles. Clarins Double Serum Generation 6 is best used at least a half hour before going to bed, not in the morning ( moreess you live in a dry desert environment). It is highly moisturizing with both water and fine oil bases (that's why it's called "double" serum. Use a gentle exfoliator or skin polisher, then completely remove that product and use toner (warm mint tea is great) and towel dry your face before using this product. Two pumps is all you need in the palm of the hand, blend evenly and sit down to press face to the hands (don't press hands to the face) and hold for 10 seconds on each area (forehead, heels of hands in eye sockets, full hands on cheeks, neck and decolete). One bottle lasts a half year
    AAAlicia | 5 reviews

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