The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Chanel Precision Ultra Correction Nuit Restructuring Anti-Wrinkle Firming Night Cream

16 Best Night Creams

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  • 10

    Chanel Ultra Correction Nuit

    Against my judgment in paying the steep price,I bought this product. It feels (& smells) wonderful on the face at night and I use it extremely sparingly, so it's lasted a long time. Am just about out of it now and hesitate to spend the $$ again however I tried Olay night cream and though it is ok it just can't compare to the Chanel. I will probably treat myself (I'm worth it, right?) this product again.
    Carolelinda | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    Best night cream by far

    I have very dry skin. In my late 30s, my skin started to get flaky in mid afternoon. I tried all different products and none really helped much; I was at my wit's end. My monther-in-law on the other hand looked 10 years younger in her mid 60s, and she suggested Chanel. The Chanel cosmetic rep recommended Ultra Correction Nuit Day cream and Night cream, and it worked wonders. It was easily more, not greasy and long lasting. I honestly saw improvement the 3rd day. 7 years later, it still works for me. I am in my mid 40s now, and I had colleagues complimenting my skin, and no one though I am over 40. If you have dry skin, you've got to try it. I heard they are generous giving potential customers samples. The only drawback is its price though.
    EisaWu | 3 reviews

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  • 9

    Works better than the sublimage

    I love the product although it could be a little too rich if you have the oily type of skin, but a little goes a long way. I also purchased the sublimage but sadly it is not cost effective. I like the way the cream has helped to define my face line and if you have sagging skin it is very helpful not to mentioned the smoothing texture it brings to your skin. Be sure to do the facial massage as morenstructed it really gives you the xtra benefits of face lifting. (the serum of the same line works great too but not helpful to smooth out the wrinkles).
    wawayao | 1 reviews

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