The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Iman Creme to Powder Foundation

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  • 10

    The Best!

    I had made it to the point where I had given up on foundation. If I found my skin color, the undertone was wrong, usually making me look ashy. If I went for the undertone, it was too dark. I tried mixing multiple shades together to get a color, but I only got so so results (and it was way too much work!). I'm no foundation novice. I tried Bare Minerals, Revelon, Max Factor, Fashion Fair, Cover morel, Maybelline, L'Oreal, Avon, MAC, Clinique, Estee Lauder, Lancome, Black Radience, Origins, Too Faced, Black Opal, (and that's just off the top of my head). I came to the conclusion that I must be some odd color that cannot ever be matched. But I was wrong. I did some rearch online about Iman, then went to Ulta and bought Clay #3. It didn't look bad, but when I applied heavy coverage, it was too orange & too dark so I took it back. I found my best match in Clay #2 because it has just the right combination of orange/ yellow mixture without any of that chalk like ashy undertone. It stays on well through the day, but it does transfer some. When I set it with the loose powder in Sand medium, and it looks perfect all day.
    Victorywriter | 47 reviews

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  • 9

    Great for all complexions

    I have very dark skin and have always had trouble finding foundation. I was pleased to fine Iman' s product line because she provides options for every complexion. Overall, I have been please with this foundation.
    staredecisis | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    Thank the heavens for IMAN

    I was first introduced to this product over 9 years ago whilst I was in the Caribbean. Firstly I have very oily acne prone skin and a dark brown complexion, so most brands, (Revlon, MAC, Covergirl etc) either gave me minimal coverage to hide my pigment marks, broke me out, intensified the oil slick, or turned me a bizarre shade of either orange or ashy peach. And as I spent most of my year moreng in all climates my skin color was ever changing, so I was most relieved to find a brand that gave realistic shades for woman of color, It was not long before got my mom hooked ( She is more iman complexion) and my sis ( More Tyra complexion). The product does come with a nice applicator sponge, which does give you a good finish however its is easy to apply to much with this sponge so i opt for a foundation brush and apply it wet. If you have to wear makeup for work etc everyday this will probably last you anywhere from 3 months to a year. It sets nicely with any powder and if you do have oily skin like I dom then you will be relieved to know that when you blot throughout the day you foundation still looks great.
    loriana99 | 1 reviews

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