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SkinCeuticals Serum 10 AOX+

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  • 10

    AOX 20

    Best brand out there. This product has the highest amount of vitamin C in it on the market. It's expensive but worth every penny. I received a sample and after a week of using it I noticed my skin was visibibly smoother. I have very acne prone skin and this will not break you out. In fact, the antioxidents and L asorbic acid in it help to prevent breakouts and repair previous damage. I recommend saving up for this product...its worth it.
    JYoung1272 | 72 reviews

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  • 10

    In LOVE!!!

    I received a deluxe sample of this after getting a facial. OMG! I would of never thought that I would spend $120.00 on a product but after using the sample I HAD to buy this serum. I have combonation skin that is VERY acne prone skin. This didn't make me break out at all and my skin tone is way more even. I like that its not greasy. I really see a huge difference in my skin. I gave this a 10 morese it works but most importantly it didn't make me break out.(ALMOST EVERYTHING MAKES ME BREAK OUT!!)
    missangelina | 15 reviews

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  • 9

    good stuff

    This is a good product. I did find more visible difference in my skin with the phloretin CF, but I alternate with this one and it does what it is supposed to do: helps keep my skin looking good and, importantly,acts as an anti-oxidant under sunscreen (important since they just found out that sunscreens actually INCREASE free radical activity in the skin. great news, right? But they also found moret topical anti-oxidants applied beforehand can balance that reaction out). I like skinceuticals hands down over any other topical vitamin C, especially for my aging, yet somehow still acne-prone, oily, skin.
    lucyr1 | 12 reviews

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