The Fashion Spot Momtastic
TRESemme Anti-Sponge Conditioner

TRESemme Anti-Sponge Conditioner

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  • 7

    Great product for the price

    I blow dry and straighten my hair a lot and this conditioner really helps with damage control. You really only do need a small amount. It comes in a huge bottle for a great price as well. What's not to love?
    Daphne_mom | 15 reviews

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  • 1

    a little dab o do ya

    this conditioner weighed down my hair. the smell isnt that fresh, clean smell that i prefer. i wont buy it again
    jobee_ | 3 reviews

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  • 24 Best Conditioners

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  • 10

    Smells Divine!!

    I love this too! Also makes your hair smell great.It has a light formula so it doesn't weigh your hair down.My hair seems more bouncey & fresh & clean.I used a different conditioner that I had purchsed earlier this month becuz the store was out of this one.& it weighed my hair down seemed waxy too.
    fashionista | 4 reviews

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