The Fashion Spot Momtastic
ReVive Intensive Volumizing Serum

ReVive Intensive Volumizing Serum

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  • 10


    I received a few samples of this & began using it almost at once. I applied it after I'd cleaned my face & right before I began applying my make up. It was awesome!! It filled in those small lines & firmed up the skin on my eyelids etc. My makeup never looked so good! The best part is that it just kept getting better & better the more I used it. It does have a stout price tag but, morea little goes a LOOOOOONG way, so it will last forever. I'm a newly professed fanatic of the entire Revive Line. Revive is a girls best friend!!!
    hwylde69 | 1 reviews

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  • 1

    B.S. in a jar

    Do you honestly believe that a $600 cream will fix your skin? According to Paula Begoun, these products don't work miracles, save the extra money in the bank and go for the botox injections or plastic surgery. You can get the same results in a drug store brand with this kind of thing. For some reason, many people believe that more expensive the prduct is better it will be for their skin, which is false.
    palestardust | 1 reviews

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  • 8

    I splurged

    I really believe that this serum made a difference in my skin. It didn't happen immediately, it took a few weeks but my skin looked more even, the texture was nice and my face had an improvement to the middle age sag. Unfortunately I cannot continue to buy this product because of the hefty price tag. I highly recommend it for someone that isn't concerned about the price. This is a well respected company and this product delivers.
    platinum | 55 reviews

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