The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Phyto Phytovolume Actif Volumizing Spray

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  • 9

    it does work ..

    be mindful of your hair type though. if you have a lot of hair that is heavy, it isn't a miracle worker. it does need a little help from its friends (styling product & hairspray) that being said, i have virgin hair, wavy texture and lots of it. when used properly this stuff is really good! i can definitely tell the difference when i don't use it.
    heykellie | 2 reviews

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  • 10

    Best Volumizer I've Ever Tried!

    And I feel as if I've tried them all! This does not leave your hair sticky or or starchy or greasy. It really does the trick. I have fine hair, but lots of it, and it can get weighed down easily with other styling products, but this volumizer isn't heavy. Give great lift at the roots. I only wish I could get the really big bottle -seems like it's available in Canbada, but not here.
    glamamom | 5 reviews

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  • 10

    Awesome Product

    There is nothing better than this volume spray. It makes limp hair come alive without weighing it down. It is not sticky or greasy. I really love the way that it smells too. I give this product 2 thumbs way up!
    Hollydolly | 4 reviews

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