The Fashion Spot Momtastic
La Prairie Anti-Aging Complex

La Prairie Anti-Aging Complex

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  • 6

    There are better products out there

    I love La Prairies products, but I really regret using this one. I'm 24 with oily skin and I wasnt looking for a moisturizer...just and anti-aging cream so I chose this one. The cream is like a serum and it feels like it just sits on top of your skin and doesnt absorb. The only reason I still use it everyday is because I'm trying to make the jar run out so I can buy Skin Caviar (which is amazing) more I mixed what is left over in the jar with some samples La Prairie gave me of the Stress Cream (which is a moisturizer) so see if maybe that would help. But a tip for girls.. always get a cream with a moisturizer even if you think you dont need it!!
    BeautyAddict84 | 7 reviews

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  • 7

    La Prarie Anti Aging complex

    I had won this awhile ago and had no idea this was as expensive as it is and frankly if I paid this amount of money I would cry right now. It isn't any better than anything else I have used. I haven't seen any dramatic changes but it does feel nice and I like knowing it is healthy for my eye and face area.
    eileen06 | 152 reviews

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