The Fashion Spot Momtastic

La Prairie Cellular Radiance Cream

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  • 10

    There is no other cream like it

    I'm a man and I will tell you this will take 2-3 years off your face and add a slight "glow" to your skin. Excellent anytime cream- especially for evening wear. Unfortunately the next day you look your real age again, lol. Bottom line, this cream works like nothing I've ever used. I get it on amazon for half the price of retailers.
    steve_meister | 1 reviews

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  • 1

    sooooo useless - so stupid.

    useless hype...nothing else. i used to use la prairie...gosh how stupid of me. thank god im over all those ultra "luxe" brands that have more hype then anythig else..ugh!
    sarai | 23 reviews

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  • 1

    did not work

    no results
    bellamoda13 | 11 reviews

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