The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Alterna Ten Perfect Blend Masque

21 Best Hair Treatments

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Editor's Rating & Review

For most hair masks to be truly effective, you need to leave them on much longer than recommended so the product can really sink in. That's not the case with Alterna Ten Hair Mask. I tried it once for only five minutes on my long, fin hair and after rinsing, my frizzy ends were completely smoothed and my hair was incredibly soft and shiny -- just what I was hoping for. On my second try I left it on overnight and while the results were still nice, they weren't any better than the five-minute trial. So although it is pricy, the time saved and the impressive results make it worth the cost to anyone with dry hair in need of a moisture boost (fine hair will want to avoid the root area).
Reviewed by Sarah on 07/10/2009
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