The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Pur Minerals Mineral Mudd with Pascalite

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    tight then softness

    I was surprised at how tight my skin got with this on. I saw the directions said "2-30" minutes. I lasted less than 10. I waited until I couldn't take it anymore, then rinsed it off to reveal super soft glowing skin. This mask is totally worth the discomfort. This will become part of my regular routine.
    elizabeth7 | 69 reviews

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    pur gorgeousness!

    this is thick and rich. it doesn`t have an offensive scent and dries quickly. it pulls out all kinds of gunk and when you rinse it off it feels smooth and silky. i used to use the clariens clay mask and bought this at shoppers one night when i was traveling and am permanently converted.
    cocolala | 3 reviews

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