The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Too Faced Wrinkle Injection

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  • 5

    Did not live up to my expectations

    I feel very bad giving this product such a bad rating since everyone here loves it so much. PRO - a little goes a long way, it felt really nice and smooth against the skin, you can apply it under or over makeup as it blend it in with your finger without any problems, handy to carry around as it's such a small tube, it does temporary remove wrinkles and lines. CON - Ok so I said it temporary mores lines, unfortunately it does not last, you have to keep reapplying it. If it lasted 3 or 4 hours and then it needs to be reapplied that's ok, but for me I needed to reapply every hour and I don't even have deep wrinkles I'm only 29, I just wanted to remove my laugh lines around my eyes and the annoying indent on my face from sleep each morning. Reapplying gets tedious, I'm sure there something better out there for me
    Keytra | 41 reviews

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