The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Lumene Sensitive Red Neutralizer

Lumene Sensitive Red Neutralizer

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  • 10

    Forget Foundation!

    I totally agree with the person before me. I bought three of these before someone zapped them off of the shelf. What happened? I haven't been able to find them anywhere. Does anyone out there know??
    tstks37 | 1 reviews

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  • 8

    i use it as foundation in winter period for my light olive/yellow skin

    i have been searching for foundation for light yellow/olive skin like for ever, but had never found one. this one , although isn't foundation looks really good!! i use it together with artdeco perfect stick (color nr6) so i can mix both colors together. so i may not find foundation for my skin color but at least thnx to artdeco and lumene products for neutralizing redness or red, i can use more correctors as foundation cremes . Bad-its a bit pricey (and if you use it as foundation then even more) ,but in my situation its better more pricey, but at least something! and for standard skin tones (if you want to use it as it is created for) i can say that it has good coverage, practically no smell. conclusions -please make foundation that is in this color only darker for my summers!
    ellphen | 7 reviews

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  • 9 Worst Concealers

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 8

    My Miracle Make-up

    I recently came across Lumene Sensitive Red Neutralizer and I've gotta' say "I'm hooked". I call it my miracle make-up. It hides every flaw that exists, plus. And talk about light as a feather. It truly is absolutely wonderful. The price might be a bit higher than your "every day" known foundations, but it's SO worth it. A very little goes a LONG WAY.
    Buttons | 12 reviews

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