The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Kinara Red Carpet Facial Kit

12 Best and Worst At-Home Facial Peels

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  • 10

    Love this facial Kit

    I got this facial kit from this website! I love it! It's very easy to use and in a total of 18 minutes I had an awesome facial! My skin is so soft! I also like that it doesn't smell like harsh chemicals! I have oily skin so I am going to try the hydrating serum!
    Travelgirl1015 | 7 reviews

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  • 10 Best At-Home Microdermabrasion Products

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  • 7

    At home Spa with classy products : )

    I got a free sample of this and had a lot of fun playing "spa" with not only several girlfriends, but even conned my husband into trying it : ) I felt like the mask (step 3) "did" the most though step 2 also felt nice - very cooling. I was annoyed that the samples didn't contain any ingredient lists or directions (how long to leave things on etc) but we just went with what morewe've done before with other products and that seemed to do the job just fine. I would suggest to Kinara to put up more info on their website as well as again, not much about individual products. The smell is also very nice which is great when something is going to be on your face for a while : ) My skin looked great and just FELT clean which is, of course, the point. A bit on the $$$ side, but give it a try if you can afford it.
    jackieznyc | 61 reviews

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