The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Avene Retrinal H.A.F.

Avene Retrinal H.A.F.

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  • 10

    Great product!

    I have been using it for the past 2-3 years combined with avene retrinal eyes and other avene products. It works amazing on fine lines. I'm a very happy costumer.
    patridelavega | 8 reviews

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  • 10

    Love it

    I have used this product for 2 years and love it!. I have tried other retinal products, but this one works best to control fine line wrinkles and redness. It's creamy texture also compliments nicely with either my morning or evening moisturizers.
    woodall1880 | 15 reviews

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  • 8

    Sells well in our office!

    People really like to use this product for their fine wrinkles and it also works as a firming gel. Remember to have realistic expectations, it will not make you 15 years younger, but any retrinal will even help 90 year old skin!
    SarahDermPA | 32 reviews

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