The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Nude Moisture Balance

Nude Moisture Balance

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    This is my least favorite product from the line. It's a gel moisturizer for normal to oily skin. It does feel a little sticky after applying so I only use it at night. I have oily skin and it adds just enough moisture for me. I don't think it's worth the price I paid for it. I think there are other moisturizer out there for half the price that do the same job.
    christine6677 | 14 reviews

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  • 11 Worst Face Moisturizers

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    Less than Impressed

    After really loving Nude's face wash, I was expecting great things from their moisturizer.  What a disappointment.  I did a double take to make sure I wasn't applying some other type of skin care product (i.e. soap, etc.) because it immediately felt sticky and stung slightly on certain areas of my face.  As a write this now, about 10 minutes later, my face still feels tight and morery.  I'll be reverting to my old moisturizer until I can find something that's effective, not to mention less expensive.
    Miggy418 | 8 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  4 of 7 people said helpful

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