The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Nude Cellular Renewal Moisturizer

Nude Cellular Renewal Moisturizer

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  • 10

    love it

    got a sample of it from sephora and must say that I love it. I am a sleep deprived mommy of 2 beginning to look a little older than my 22 years, but within days this moisturizer had my tired skin looking smoother, more supple and radiant. My skin is dry, never really been acne prone or oily. The texture is so smooth and silky and has a soothing, comfortable feeling on the face, with a light clean morescent, smells like a baby lol. The sales associate gave me the tiniest sample but I used it for 4-5 days day and night, which makes me feel that the 92 dollar price tag might be worth the splurge because a little goes such a long way.
    jessica_galvin | 3 reviews

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