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Napoleon Perdis Camera Finish

15 Best Foundations Guide

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  • 10

    take your photo.

    A must have over doll foundation. No pores, smooth,not cakey. Lite. I have b2 look in both, flawless,unlike any other powder. Worth it try it
    rodgers | 18 reviews

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  • 10

    Great shade match

    I usually have a hard time finding the perfect shade, but this matched perfectly. I don't recommend using the sponge as sometimes you can overapply and look orange.
    rosebud119 | 4 reviews

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    I started using this about five years ago

    when I visited the NP flagship store in Los Angeles. I love this foundation! It comes with a sponge that you can use to apply it. I use the sponge on days I really need coverage. The saleslady at the NP store sold me a Kabuki brush to apply this foundation powder with and that is what I use most days. It really helps to even out my complexion and makes my skin look fresh and natural. It also did moreot make me break out. I have been using it since I first bought it and cannot imagine using anything else.
    brumzoo | 25 reviews

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