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ZO Skin Health Offects TE-Pads Acne Pore Treatment

ZO Skin Health Offects TE-Pads Acne Pore Treatment

12 Best & Worst Acne Products

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  • 9

    minimal breakouts

    I usually get painful cysts around my chin area during that time of the month. After using this product once a day, my breakouts have been minimized. Instead of getting six painful cysts, I get maybe one small zit a month. I use this in the morning and something else at night. The pads might be too much for someone with sensitive skin. You get 50 pads in a jar for $45. I cut the pads in half and find that it's plenty for my face.
    christine6677 | 14 reviews

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  • 10


    Hey! If you have T-zone oiliness like me and live in a big city with all that dirt flying around - These are fabulous cleansing pads I use Am & Pm - with just the right amount of SAcid in them they really keep your face clear and clean!
    learningcurves | 8 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  5 of 8 people said helpful

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