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ZO Skin Health Ossential Daily Power Defense

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  • 9

    light/ perfect for day

    I love this product. I have super sensitive skin to breakouts but I live in a very dry climate and a daily moisterizer is a necessity! I have not had luck finding one that's effective without causing breakouts...until now. The Daily Power Defense has improved the look and feel of my skin w/out a single breakout!
    NVgirl | 7 reviews

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  • 9

    great morning wrinkle product

    I bought this product b/c I was interested in finding a mroning wrinkle product and this had a high retinol %. So many wrinkle products seem be part of an evening routine - but I wanted 2x a day duty! After using this for 4 months, my skin tone is more even, and the fine lines around my eyes are significantly reduced.
    amy_lady | 4 reviews

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  • 10

    Smooth, soft skin!

    I've been using the ZO Ossential Daily Power for about a! My skin is very smooth and soft. In fact, my skin looks so good that I've stopped wearing any foundation!
    MeredithM | 6 reviews

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