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Avon Anew Reguvenate Flash Facial

Avon Anew Reguvenate Flash Facial

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  • 5

    its okay,

    i dont think i have seen that much of a change in the apperance of my skin. i use it every night. i do think it helps minimally but not with what it promised.
    Timothyrondell | 13 reviews

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    not worth the money!

    I agree with the first reviewer. At $48 a bottle I was shocked at the price but lured by the promise of a "facial in a bottle". After using the entire bottle up ( about 5 months) I have seen no results. It feels nice going on but really does it matter is there aren't any results? Clinique sells the exact same product in a similar blue bottle that is cheaper and actually produces results. I will be sticking with that from now on.
    kbryan81 | 4 reviews

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    God knows why I thought that this product is worth giving a shot because the name says its useless, "facial in a bottle" , such a useless concept. I used a bottle for one month saw absolutely no result. it is way over priced, and dont fall for the lame results they are claiming to provide. Will never buy.
    nashams | 115 reviews

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